Tuesday, April 25, 2006
1:11 AM

still in the room

posted by crazyyuan
alone in hall
cicadas chirping loudly outside
speakers playing song: 拥抱我(hug me)
silence in the heart still refuses to go away
4 papers down
2 more to go

will be moving out soon
my bro will be flying soon too
my turn to stay at home
'ur turn to watch over' he says

friend mentions newpaper big walk
21may, 0730am at kallang national statium
thinking of asking the jc gals to go
dunnoe wat will be their respond
perhaps its just one of my 'in the mood' ideas

wats my worth.. wat am i suppose to do now.. is it only to study?.. isit only to be filial? or am i to be just me.. let the time and society mould me to the way i should be..do things that i should be doing..

its like when u got your first handphone
u wait for smses
u like smses
u dun care who its from
u just want to be smsed

i wait for that orange button to popup
i wait for u to msn me
i wait for pple to notice i exist
i wait for things to happen

want to go out breath some fresh air
want to go for a jog
want to do somehing crazy
want to do.. many many things..
but where is the strength.. courage..
need that friend.. need that company..
or else zihui is nothing..nothing..

still in the room
in front of the comp