Thursday, April 20, 2006
9:07 PM


posted by crazyyuan
how about this

10 Reasons why i write here:

1. i am bored
2. i think that i am very free and can afford the time to cast my thoughts
3. i want to be able to look back and reflect on wat i have done now and then
4. to communicate my emotions and thoughts without being a public nusiances
5. i am trying to procrastinate
6. i am convinced tat pple are interested in my life
7. to show that i am still alive
8. so that i will not crazy
9. cos no one is updating theirs
10. life is short, write it out and get over with it, no point having them pent-up in u

from the ten pts above, one can see that blogging is actually an activity one does to satisfy oneself emotionally and mentally. right? not mah?

wats urs?..

i am bored... today got a paper.. FM .. got a v nice neighbour, teach me FM last night like i am her little sis like tat.. v paitent, i really really appreciate it realy.. if not for her.. i wuld not be able to do the paper today.considering that i still think i will flunk the paper again.. i dun want to tabao FM again!!! grr...

tmw got another paper.. marketing.. yikes. got to jia you!