Wednesday, April 19, 2006
12:11 PM

posted by crazyyuan
haha.. perhaps things are not meant to be.
wat i always say : 早知今日,何必当初。- if u noe wat was going to happen today, why did u do it then?lol bad translation, but the fact is, we dun noe wat is going to happen today, we can only guess
we cant be accurate, plus all the human and external factors, its not at all easy to foresee wat a r/s will turn out to be like even 1-2 months down the road. of course i have learn a lot.. ha.. treat it as a learing experience? sounds a bit dumb, hurt ur heart and confuse ur mind in the process, i rather go watch a chessy show or drown myself in the jap drama One liters of Tear. At least u can walk away at the end of the show saying. i am glad that wasnt me, but when ws the last time u secretly hoped that something magical / wonderdful/ romantic happened to u ?.. if only i have chance to experience that u might think..sadly, its back to the harsh realities of life for all of us. Gladly, there are still some matches made in heaven around, ( to think that no matches are made in heaven in the first place)... haiz


did u hear that soul struggle?
did u see that sorrow in ur friends' eyes?
did u hear the silence of her scream?

~give a friend a hug today, u never noe she/he might just need it~