Friday, March 31, 2006
1:53 AM

count the stars u see

posted by crazyyuan
would u think its funny
would u think its weird
if i tell u this

that i look at the sky everyday
to make sure nothing is amiss

i want to make sure the sun is there
the clouds are grey
and the rain is coming
and the moon is gay
stars are sparking
like they always do
every so happily
in the sea of blue

dun really think pple do that
until yingling taged me oneday
and told me to take a breather
and look forward to meeting again

for a while i though v hard
how many stars are there in the sky
dun u ever realise
that the more u try to see
the more u are unsatisfied?

for its not there when u dun notice
it does not make an impact to ur life
but if u do stop to take a look
you will see that all else is a lie

things are not just wat they seem to be
its just how u look at them
the deeper you go
you will soon see how much more wrong u can be

the more u study
the more u realise that there is so much u dun see

the more u see
the more u realise that u really need to study

to learn to live
and living to learn
its such a tedious cycle

perhaps u should be like me
stop and look into the sky
ignore wat the others are doing
count the stars u see
as though u are counting your blessings

the moment u start
is the moment u forget
that life is not all abt walking forward
its not abt getting ahead
its about who u are
its abt who u have met
its abt how that makes pple's lives change
for its not all fate.