Wednesday, March 15, 2006
2:15 PM

the sun is setting

posted by crazyyuan
4 more weeks, to exams.. or to my death.. i wonder.. and the next two weeks i will be packed down by presentations and reports.. tell me
how will i survive?

i need a break..(someting i am having now)
i need a hand.. literally something to hold on to..
i need more time. so i can actually get down to studying
i need a new roomie.. jsut in case my current one leave soon.. i will be very sad

who will i groan to when she leaves?.. who will i complain to>.. who will i scream at?.. and vice versa.. perhaps singlehooh will mould me into a stronger person.

i shold stop starting at pple on the streets.. i should not be turing green at the slightest thing i dun have..
i am becoming so selfish.. so competitive .. that i am ashamed of myself.

i was once confused of which voice should i listen to in my brain.. the first one?. the counterargue one? or just the mean and nice one..
now i noe.. the first one is who u are.. the second voice is always ur consiouse..
and which one is more powerful? of course the first one.. cos thats who u are.. trying to attain the ideal self and losing oneself in the

there.. i just craped another entry.. recently read my past blog entries. .. figured i like the poems best.. those of donne and gothic.. i am so amused.. perhaps i should write some poems again soon..

roses are red
violets are blue
can u tell
i am thinkin of u?

the sun is setting.
homework still undone..
the phone is ringing
got hall stuff to run

where did the time go
where did my day went
just want to take a break
and never wake up again

u cant sleep properly
u cant have timely meals
u cant walk straight
and u look like a snail

u dun dress up
but u noe u care
and when u really do.
pple stare.

wats with the attention
i just want to be me
drop me a msg
and tell if u agree.