Sunday, February 12, 2006
10:15 AM

posted by crazyyuan
very terrible
very terrible..
its been so long since i have blog that i almost forgot my blog

and so why i am i here?.. for one reason was that i was blog hoping.. and one place i dun usually dun hope to is my own blog, cos its never updated.. no fun.. funny right.. to go to ur own blog and expect it to be updated on its on

hey it takes effort to update ur bloggy ok.. so seeing pple like joan and rosie post so many nice stuff is heartening.. lol they actually take the effort. and me.. LAZY

anyway.. have been bz. i think.. dun really update myself do i.. always in BUZY MODE. haiz.. there is so many things to do .. like pple dun have.. oh ya .. have also been mean i think.. think its pretty sad.. cos i seem to have extended my meanness to some of my friend unknowingly.. last time it was just joan-mean .. lol.. she noes wat i mean. just v straight and cutting.. which i often wonder why i bother.. perhaps it just me.. but not everyone can take that kind of joke or actually understand wat i mean.. they may just actually think i am mean.. lol. noe wat i mean?... lame...-.-!!

well anyway.. things are piling up.. dun feel like going anywhere
with 830 lesson everyday.. it seems that week after week i am just trying to get by.. now sem break is near.. means exams is near.. means that PA is near means that FYP is near.. can someone just give me a break?.. looking forward to only bed time.. and dreading waking up with one these few qns in my mind:

1) wat time is it?
2) am i late?
3) did i finish my HW AND REPORT?
4) is my hw and report due today?

can u see why i dun want to wake up?

lol but i think i still love the sunshine and the rain..and glad that i have friends who are all around me physically or take care gals.. and some guys.. bdaes coming. lets all remember to share presents.. i am broke
