Sunday, September 25, 2005
9:53 PM


posted by crazyyuan
this week is week wat... i dun really noe.. i dun really care.. i cannot afford to..
the past week have been a blur.. and i am living from day to day.. crushed under tons of probs , projects, presentations, and pms.. p's.. when did i caome become so senstive to them..

only recently.. i been bogged down by a project that have given me only one week to write a 25-30 pagge report with tow other grp members.. sucj that we have to be the first grp to hand in and present..
now other pple will jsut copy..waste my effort... haz,., and that report have sent me losing sleep and sense...and hunger whenever i was doign it... cos its abt nestle and chocos.. haiz.. did u noe nestle was from switerland?.. lol i always thoug it was a malaysian brand... truely.. i felt stupid.. can tell i am not in a blogging mood i sound totally irrelevant... yes i must go.. got 4 more presentations to stress over.. ihateschool..