Sunday, July 3, 2005
11:43 AM

hihi again

posted by crazyyuan
it is me again.. have gone missing for quite sometime haven i?..
hah .. have really been bz.. guess its better than bored.. wel just went to malaysia yesterday on a one day trip .. had seafood lunch and dinner and went to ostrich n honey n herb farm and also watched fireflies at night !!!
that was a totally cool experience!! can u imagine flickering lights all along the river on the trees?.. like they were chrismas lights.. only more inconsistant and more breathtaking.. to think that they arew nature and that they have a v short life span of just less than a week..

today is the 3 july.. means i will be starting work too unitl 8 july.. then there is camp from 9-10 and his convo on the 11.. and then a short break from 12-17 before hall camp starts which ends with the start of school term.. yikes.. everyday is packed.. but i am happy... hope all of u out there are doing fine too ~ may all the july babies have a good time!~ take carez~