Saturday, June 11, 2005
11:09 AM

job yeaterday

posted by crazyyuan
i am not v happy
but i am not too sad too

went for canvessing yesterday one of the more interesting job.. as slack as u like.. but pretty embarrassing..

imagine having to WEAR a billboard..front and bback.. and carry two speakers at ur waist and walking down orchard road from 12-8 haha... imagine the sight
... some crazy pple will think its cool.. some would think u are crazy.. to throw away ur dignity like shit..haha..well i did it.. wat pple will do ffor money..ha.. wasnt that bad.. and i didnt look v bad in it.. rather cute. show u the pics next time..
so next time u walk down the streets of ocrhard road. no the underpass.. look for me yeah .. in a red cap carrying a bill board.. come say hi.. and laugh at me in my face..ha