Saturday, May 7, 2005
10:23 AM


posted by crazyyuan
the funny thing is i have this qn in my head
does the colour orange came first or the name of the the fruit orange came first?
is it something like the chicken and egg thingy?
i wonder...
well the holidays have started.. so have my v first GE.. haha Artistic expression in visual arts.. GV07 and enjoying every moment of it.. the teacher.. an angmoh.. dunnoe from where is like my bus law teacher.. like to talk in circle.. but when she completes the whole cycle.. u will be truely amazed.. in the first lesson.. she gave us an overview of the nistory of civilisations.. in brief of course.. the romans and greeks .. how they bulit great arctecture.. and the western civilzation had not even started was amazing to know how the greeks were more intellectual and regarded the human body as the perfect entity while the romans who were more techonological based built great bulidings and had more interests in blood and warfare. hence their strong armies and great colomns and bulidings.. haha

the second lesson was an introduction to the renaissance.. hha. something that reminded me of only john donne and gothic tan.. i have no idea why.. haha.. but then on reading the notes given by the teacher.. my friend told me that the 4 TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES were named after the 4 great renaissance artists: DONATELLO, MICHELANGELO, LEONARDO, RAPHAEL... i can only say... COWABANGGA!..ok.. not that funny.. but maybe they were jsut paying them a tribute~

and then for the rest of the second lessons.. she went on about THE DAVINCI CODE.. by dan brown.. interesting.. felt like i was in a lecture by robert langdon.. but our teacher add more facts in addition to the ones given in the book itself.. amazing.. but too controversal to be discussed here.. but in all i think its a good book .. and according to my teacher and her fact.. the secret society really exists.. yup.. and the paintings are true..