Monday, March 21, 2005
9:55 PM

posted by crazyyuan
>can i say i am so sick of my timetable?
>can i ?
>can i just sit here and bitch about it the whole day?
>can i just sleep in? can someone just shoot me?
>i am so sick of going tuts withtout doing them.. arrhhhhh.. i am so
>sick.. i hate going to school.. i feel like a small child once
>again.. who sees no pt in goin to school.. so sick.. i dun want to
>go..sob.. i dun noe how to do.. i feel terrible.. i feel like biting
>someone.. grr.. why does it have to be this way?.. why can i just be
>a hardworking kid like everyone else?.. why?.. i just want to do
>well.. but why does the defination of doing well have to be
>scoring.. why does it hve to be?.. can it not be anything else?.. am
>i just a big fat grumbling jerk?.. why all the excuese? i am sooo
>sick of school.. stupid headache...
>sorry to wake u up so early this morning.. hope u have a good day
>ahead of u.. at least better than mine..

Haha. then u btr work hard 2 clear all the subjects tis sem. then u ll b in a btr position 2 plan a nicer timetable next acad yr. =)