Thursday, February 3, 2005
11:32 AM


posted by crazyyuan
expectations?.. isnt life all abt expectations?
do we wake up every morning expecting things to be the same and follow ur usual routine?.. if i were at home.. i would expect my mom to start nagging away the moment i open my eyes.. i expect that i will fall asleep during my 830 lesson, i expect that i will be happy to see my friends everyday, i expect i should be grateful for wat i have, i expect that life will be good to me if i work hard.. are those expectations?.. or they just things we are so used to experience and have taken for about changes?.. if we expect changes.. prob we will not be so grumpy when they happen, when thing dun go our way, we will not be frustrated.. if we expect that life is ever happening, unboring,full of surprises and changes, ever moment is worth remembering cos we noe they will never come back.If we expect everything to be constant.. which never happens..most prob that we wil go crazy.. for eg.. i expect my roomie to go grumpy at least once a week..yeah.. so life is all abt expectations. if its not urs.. its about other pple's and how they affect u.. how u feel u have to meet up to them.. consiously or that it not true..? thats how our behaviour comes abt.. we behave and react according to our charcater which is moulded by our experiences and lifestyle and upbringing..thus in one way or another, we are consious of wat the socety expects of us and wat we expect of i am writing this.. becos i expect rosie will read this and that i have already expected myself tht i will reply to her msg..ha..and of course.. i expect no one else to bother..