Tuesday, January 11, 2005
2:18 PM

quick one~

posted by crazyyuan
They say a person needs just three things to be truely happy inthis world:
someone to love,
something to do,
and something to hope for
Tom Bodett

well.. i am not sure if i agree with this quote, but indeed.. i do find it rather interesting.. can u imagine, if u got noone to love, and if got nothing to do and u have not nothing to hope for, how miserable life would be?

sometimes, i hope that life is just a simple thing, maybe it is, its just pple and your relationship with them, haha.. begining to sound like OB, organisational behaviour, a module i am taking this sem, and something which i find to be of quite commom sense, just that pple actually bother to write them down in black and white.. ha.. no lah.. all this is impt, we make too much assumptions in our daily lives, we have expections and sometimes expect others to follow them , to live up to them or even understand why such expectations exist, we judge pple, we place our own standards on others.. there is nothing wrong this really i think... everyone does tat.. its just how often u do it.. and do u realise that u do it? i try not to judge, i remember a nice quote.. which goes something like.. if u judge, u forget to love,.. something like that.. guess that when we judge pple, we forget to see them and understand and accpet them for who they are.. haha
wat am i talking?... got a tut at 230.. have to go.. will continue~