Friday, December 10, 2004
4:53 PM

happy~.. still

posted by crazyyuan
came back from the wsc camp yesterday.. it was quite fun.. lots of foc games.. made many friends... learnt that one reason pple may together is that they have a comman objective... like trying to win a game together .. or just like a bunch of gals.. trying to find out as much gossips as possible in ID.. ha..... suddenly.. u find a bunch of gals who dun talk .. gather together to share the info on their hands.. u just noe where to go confirm ur own queries...
the camp programs did not concer much.. and many pple self entertained themselves with daidee and bridge.. which i found out that i suck at.. must figure got how to play bridge some day.. and then there was the bbq.. lol.. the charcoal refused to catch fire even after a whole bos of cock brand fire eventually.. the food had to be prepared in the the satay as well.. which was stripped from their sticks and cooked in satay sauce... lol.. and they tasted amazingly great~.. ..

sian.. went to another netball competiton this morning.. i cannot believe my luck today.. arrived too damn early... well.. incrediblely.. i never fail to be amused by the pple's punctuality if joan was here.. she would prob scream her head off every wat can i say aby ythr match.. our team lacked training... really.. ok.. i did not go for some of the trainings as well.. but the spririts were high.. the supports were damn great.. cheering for every good pass... but then.. we lost 6-41..haiz....