Monday, November 15, 2004
8:35 PM

before giving it another go

posted by crazyyuan
nothing to do today again
waiting for the day to past
sitting in front of the comp
wondering wats the buzz

jay chou on the radio
milo in my cup
i miss eating instant noodles
but here at home im stuck

sleep all you want
nuah all u can
no one is bothered with you
even if u wake at ten

this is not a nice poem
i am just writing for fun
it is not even funny
cos my sense of humour is left with none

something to look forward to
and thats Xmas coming ur way
wonder how im going to spend it this year
hopefully its not like every other day

never had such a boring post exam period
never had so much un-fun
prob all my friends are still buzy
i guess i just have to find someone

why can i not self entertain?
tried that when i went tm yesterday
felt really pathetic
went home straight away

at home on my bed
reading an interesting book
the lovely bones is the title
by gal who got raped and killed

realise that life is sad
only by the way u perceive it
only u can make urself happy
and doing that is crazy

wat the heck am i crapping
i am just self entertaining
dun think its called insanity
so dun start getting worried

the past sem is messy
even my roomie cannot agree more
wat else can i say
than that i didnt knew i was doing things wrong

of course its all over now
we will see the results soon
wonder how many subject i will dabao
wonder whether i will have to change room

a change of environment would be fine
a new place would be cool

or even a new roomie
for i feel extremely apolegetic to her too..

hopefully a new sem would be something to start anew
where i can put the past behind
probably settle down
and actually start doing fine

there is always room for improvement
there is always enough room for growth
let us all take a good break
before giving it another go...


  At 12:27 AM, November 16, 2004 Anonymous Anonymous said:

your roomie agrees MOST EMPATHICALLY that the past sem was Teh Mess. it shall not happen again, i promise you that.

apologetic? nah no need lah. like I keep saying, at the very least, it's entertaining.

it's ok if you really want to change roomates though. just make sure you get an extra alarm clock so she doesn't have to drag you awake. =)

and i hate to tell you this, sweetie, but i wouldn't exactly call this poetry. clever (?) rhyming, maybe.

and can you be a bit more grateful for your hols? people mugging desperately lor. don't suan me with all your "nuah-ing is boring" can? studying is 10 million times more boring! =P =P =P

and don't give me that "happiness is a state of mind" crap lah. if you're bored, you're bored. if you're miserable, you're miserable. if you're pessimistic, you're pessimistic. can be quite fun actually, spouting dark profundities and cynical genralisations about life. =)))

nothing to do during the hols? READ!! recommended books:

Mister God, this is Anna by Fynn (? i think so. off the top of my head)

The Eyre Affair. should be amusing for you, you did Jane Eyre right?

The Da Vinci Code. this one i can lend you once i get it back from whoever i last lent it to.

other suggested activities: cruise aimlessly around on your bike (try not to crash into anything), doodle, read comics, watch anime. run. swim. sleep. eat. do arty-crafty projects. remember, the library is your best friend. self-entertaining is easy. you're so full of weird ideas usually, i'm sure you can think of something.

(p.s. half-serious, half joking, take your pick. don't take me too seriously ok? i'm just jealous cos i still have to study. =P)

take care!