Sunday, November 7, 2004
11:15 PM

i hear voices in my brain........

posted by crazyyuan
does it matter if i say that i dun care.. i dun care how i am going to do tmw.. who wants to care when u noe that however hard u study.. u will never do well.. u will just flunk.. cos U ARE JUST NOT THERE !!

does that mean u have to give up?.. nobody is born with knowing stuff.. everyone have to learn! u dun care?.. are u kidding ?.. can u not care?.. ever second u spend in that god-damn place whether u are studying or not costs u money.. hostel fees.. fees.. u think u want to get out of there.. HA.. u think u are pathetic.. just a few books and u are whining.. wat the heck are u?..u have come this far.. and u just say.. i dun care... who are u to say that.. who gave u the right to say that?.. someone who lost their place in ntu to a loser like u?

.... its not i never appreciated my place here..

ya right.. u are playing all day

no i am not.. there are times that i do study.. and i am trying really hard..really.. but...

ya and trying hard to get of trouble also right?.. all the nuisance u are causing... have u ever though how much peace and quiet life would be with out u?

i am talking abt exam here ok.. dun divert the topic..i am saying that i cannot make it in the exams.. i shall not say more.. for i noe explaining is no use.. i just want to say that when the results come out.. however bad they are.. i would have accepted my fate liao.. theres no.. why i never study hard enough..

u are so damn good at lying u noe?.. who are u studying for?.. if u still remember the reason.. do u think that any reason is ever valid?.. u have stepped into this place.. no matter wat.. u are getting out of here somehow.. no buts..wat makes u think u can do something in life now without that pathetic cert of yours after three years..ha.. if u got guts.. and u got any brains in that head of urs.. u will stop dreaming and GET ON WITH UR WORK!


  At 7:50 AM, November 08, 2004 Anonymous Anonymous said:


一个人的时候,往往有太多的时间去遐想。你想太多了。Get it over and done with. Its just an exam. 将来的事,将来再说。一个人一辈子要遇上多少人和事。我们会遇见爱我们的人,遇见我们爱的人,遇见知己,遇见敌人,遇见开心,遇见不如意。。。是福不是祸,是祸躲不过。不要去想结果,结果永远不会完美。尽人事听天命,凡事不可强求。Just do it. You will forget you are ever stress by exam after this Friday. Lots of people cared about you. No one is going to blame you no matter what the outcome.