Friday, October 29, 2004
9:34 PM

i am at home now

posted by crazyyuan
quite some stuff have happened the past few days.. i can only say.. i cannot remember..except that i been trying to study hard and trying not to tao bao any subject this sem.. really.. but i think if were really were to.. hmm i wil not mind that much.. for i noe that i take some time to understand stuff.. sometimes i think un education is abt being able to understand stuff and reproduce them again in the exams at the lightning speeed of within 3 months.. hmm something i am not good yet.. cos studying has never been for me.. but wat to do.. have to figure some way to pass these three years bah... hope for the best.expect the worse!

now that i am at home... haveing not been home for abt three weeks.. i am glad.. just hope tat i will continue to do my best.. so that i will not have any regrets..