Friday, November 5, 2004
8:49 PM

libraries rocks!

posted by crazyyuan
YOYOYO!!!today is friday liao.. aiyah!! i have a paper on mon and tues.. but i am still in a good mood.. why?... not that i have studied finish.. but i have been studying!!.. yes my friends.. i have actually been studying.. and enjoying some of it too.. and i realised.. the library is a real great place to study.. no distracts.. pretty greenery outside the curved glass windows of the nie library and the cool psycology books at library 2.. really.. there are many great things to look at when u are sick of wat u are trying to understand.. but the rest of the time.. its just u and ur books.. no music(occasionally from my mp3player).. no computer. no msn... no bed.. no chou chou(my smelly goofy) food.. and lots of pple studying too.. like u all working hard together.. sort of reminded me of the days in jc when we studied under TRC at the benches until 6 pm in the evening..going to lib to study have allowed me to study for more than 6 hours a day..ha... a feat for me!!.. i can tell myself truefully that i am doing my best studying.. despite not liking wat i am and i have a new idea.. that is if i work hard now.. do my best.. work to the limit now for this week and so.. i may not have to live with regrets and another ta pao subject for the next sem.. so see the time diff?.. ha.. of course i am still the lazy person.. so.. just try keep it up.. like wat my beloved brother reminded me 'must try ur best!'.. i will!!