Sunday, November 14, 2004
9:12 PM


posted by crazyyuan
hmm hello again...haiz..feeling a bit pessimistic these days.. why this way i dun noe..sian.. but i had a bit of fun today..haa...really a bit.. let me bore u with the details.. really.. lets see.. woke up at 12 plus.. have brunch..then nuah a bit more.. had lunch.. and then nuah a bit more.. here comes the highlight..go speed to get a ten dollar hair cut.. those u sit in a cubicle and get hair cut one.. like QB house.. except this one is inside the tampines this fastion.. after that went ntuc with my mom.. ha.. grabbed a box of my now current must buy.. cherry tomatoes!! yeah .. i am crazy over them,, is my second box in two days liao.. at the speed i am eating them.. my mom says that i should be turning orange soon..:P.. tats cool~
after the trip to ntuc.. when to popular bookshop!!..way cool.. cos i long time never go liao.. wanted to go find a book which i read on the seventeen mag "nina :adolescense".. hmm dun see it anywhere.. go times also dun have.. not like i really wnt to read a book.. just feeling like i want to be bookish for a while..haa. my picture of dorian grey still haven finish.. my lovely bones too...opps.. i better get back to them!~