Saturday, December 4, 2004
11:37 AM

just a lot of qns...

posted by crazyyuan
wats up with me.. this is just a random qns... no one pls.. no one pls try to answer..there is nothing wrong.. there is nothing wrong.. ya right..really wat... i am just bz.. just all the events love to clash together like nobody's business.. arhh...can i be more evil.. can i be less hardworking.. can i try to stop being miss nice guy.. can i try to stop myself from creating a good impression in pple's eyes.. try to be myself for once.. please no one but myself.. but then .. i wont be pleased.. i dun have heavy responsiblities.. why do i behave like i do?... i am just bz.. why am i fussing?.. just becos i cannot be everywhere and pls myself or anyone at the same time.. why must i do that anyway? one is perfect.. why must i try to be?.. why am i so FAKE ?.... so sad.. feel terrible..