Tuesday, February 8, 2005
10:30 PM

HAPPY new year!~

posted by crazyyuan
Firstly wanna wish everyone a very happy Lunar new year, hope that everyone will still continue to do their best in everything they do and have the best of luck and of course , stay healthy and happy!!

Actually.. i have been quite unhappy recently.. my life seems to beturnd upside down due to some matters, the coming new year did not bring me much joy, but more stress as it brought abt quizes and make up lecs..i have became so tired that i have resorted to skipping tuts.. and some lec.. which i knew, were of some wat little importance to go for..

the past week had been hectic.. only becos i threw myself into the deep shit of helping Xuemei with her newsletter.. lol.. the name of guest editor still sounds funny to me.. no regrets doing that kind of things though dun worry xuemei.. it just allow me to see how much i can stretch myself.. obviously.. not a lot.. but i just teach me not to do projects at the last minute..ha.and that when we put our mind and heart to doing stuff.. we can do it with sheer determination knowing that we actually have the ability to accomplish enormous tasks..so xuemei!.. i am so proud of US!!.. ha.. but if u look back.. it wasnt much..lol.. at least unitl we got the template out..yeah~

its good to know tat i actually putin my heart and soul into doing something for once.. but i realised tat the kinetic energy of u moving forward is a wonderful feeling.. to know that u are accomplishing something.. but at this pt of time.. i am totally obilivious to wats happening to me.. resulting in quite a few episodes.. which i take responsible for.. but sometimes.. its simply unforgiveable meh?.. pple get distracted once in a while.. maybe the only person who is still dwelling in the incident is me.. i keep saying .. forgive and forget.. yet.. maybe i am the only one who is not putting any of it down.

so its pretty sad.. i remember celebrating CNY in pri and sec and jc .. they were all so fun. and looked forward to the celebrations then.. even the stupid class decorations..ha. hongpaos pasted every where .. and the red and yellow day at tj.. do u remember we taking balloons and playing daidee at the lounge?haha.. and then in sec school.. the say b4 we will keep asking.. hey wat u wearing tmw?.. want to wear skirt together?.. lol.. those were the days..
but as we all get older.. it gets sadder i think.. for one thing.. i nearly twisted my hand today while trying to get some sleep in the mrt..hand still aching.. went this fashin in attempt to get somthing nice.. everything i point out, my mom says.. UGLY.. then everything my mom pt out.. i frown .. diff generation sia.. wanted to get soemthing simple.. but she was thining of a dress.. wow.. can u imagine.. zihui in a dress.ha. i cannot..

mostly importantly.. everyone stay happy yeah~?