Wednesday, April 19, 2006
2:03 PM

roommate xuemei offically moved back home

posted by crazyyuan
yes i am not studying
yes tmw i got paper
yes i am entertaining myself
yes my roommate xuemei offically moved back home
yes i got another paper the day after tmw
and yes there are always things in life to look forward to after exams
no. i am not referring to my PA.

SKC 150th & 151st Championship Dog Shows
Public - Admission By Ticket
Hall 4B
07-May-06 to 07-May-06
Start Time: 09:00; End Time : 18:00

Singapore Food Expo 2006
Hall 4
25-May-06 to 29-May-06
Start Time: 11:00; End Time : 22:00

MPH Book Sale
Public - Free admission
Hall 6A
27-May-06 to 28-May-06
Start Time: 09:00; End Time : 21:00

World Book Fair 2006
Level 4, Suntec Singapore
26 May 2006 - 4 June 2006

Sitex 2006
Singapore Expo hall 3 &4
30 Nov- 3 Dec
11am - 9pm
Free Admission

note: get a external hard disk here.

who wants to go?.haha. book a date with me now..
some pics of my roomie~ will miss ya gal~