Wednesday, April 19, 2006
3:37 PM

roomie: someone to irritate and to be irritated with

posted by crazyyuan
me : is today really ur last day?
xuemei : yeah
me : so u not coming back anymore?
xuemei : yeah
me : i am going to miss u roomie
xuemei :..ok
me : arent u going to say somehing like 'me will miss u too'
xuemei : no. ...i dun usually say things i am suppose to..

now where u get a roomie like that...
she's chubby and bouncy,
shes got a bad sense of humour (to me)
we love to bother each other
she looks for food - procastinate - when there's hw and reports to do
she luvs to cook and we all lov her food
she have this dun-care attitude which really reflects who she really is most of the time
she also have a 'i-am-amused' look when u try to amuse her unsucessfully
she wonders how i got her into many messes by staying in hall
everyone thinks she is good at pub stuff.. which is sometimes true
she eats her veggies and mine too
i like it when we laugh at the same stupid stuff and go crazy
thats my roomie~