Saturday, April 22, 2006
5:53 PM

store display

posted by crazyyuan
i am bored.......

happen to think tat my blog getting a bit dusty, so decided to invite more pple into my world. nothing to be proud of i would say, but there is even nothing to be ashame of..ha. i think.. lets not think too far..

made some changes to my template.. so long liao.. really forget how to do such stuff le.. i agree with carmen. its a bit bright.. like store display and lighting.. it affects how long a person want to stay on a webby.. will take a note to change to colour yeah.. perhaps after exams..
took off my bhb 'act cute pic' also.. although i dun think its v cute.. but reasonable right? now its a pic of clouds.. and a pretty round sun peeking among it..
v simple.. but dun suit the whole blog. heck arh. a place to rest ur eyes yeah.. if only i remember more of the flash lessons. perhaps then i can do more..
the blog doesnt have the best layout. but its my blog~ hee~