Monday, May 1, 2006
1:13 PM

messy messy

posted by crazyyuan
wats up pple.. hows life?
me just move back home yesterday.. had a whole day of packing and unpacking. v tired.. v MESSY.. so ashamed of myself.. i must be the messiest person i have ever seen.. no.. i am the messiest gal i ever seen

so wats my plans these few days?.. today go shopping with shufen.. should be more of window shopping..
tmw got shopping with shufen and ningjia. more window shopping for me..
then on wed.. a good friend's special day.. a secret
then on thurs.. no plans... yet. perhaps go hang out with the 3302 gals.. wonder if their exams are over
then on friday.. iceskating.. or ktv with uni classmates.. wonder if its still on.. nha and carmen.. how are ur exams going?? .. must jia you for ur chinese paper!
then on saturday.. election day.. i aint 21 yet.. so i dun need to will be going to help my cousin move room in hall..
PA starts on 8...

i miss hall already.. i miss the freedom.. i haite coming home and having to make my mom stress out over my own mess... haiz.. but still i am home now.. must try and get used to it..
and then.. there is no internet connection in my roon.. now currently using my bro's comp .. so guys u want to contact me.. SMS.. yup.. will reply when i can think clearly.. my phone giveing me some probs.. so may have some delays..