Friday, May 12, 2006
12:13 PM

vesak day and mothers' day

posted by crazyyuan
and guess wat.. pple around sg are taking leaves and going on vacation/holidays to take advantage of the long break.. just oo worthit.. i noe cos the pple i am suppose to call is not around! and my real boss on is on 4 days leave.. means from last sat to this sun... freaking long!! thanks to the long hoildays
So how is everyone?.. me still the same
met up with yingling aand shuhan and jovin.. was really happy to see them .. caught up with miss mq also..ha.. on the phone.. she still sounds the same.. which is good
two years have past le.. since we all grad from jc.. time really flies.. now going on to final year.. its freaking scarey to think of it when i talk to xuemei abt it some time ago..a moment we were just freshies.. then she was my roomie.. now we are going seperate ways..the time together was so short yet so long.. lol

did anyone watch the vesak day special last night.. though it was pretty special and nice.. to tell pple the values that are important and that we should not forget about.
i only watched a bit.. but there was one part (the story telling) where the little gal was scolded by her mother or somehing and ran away.. she came to a noodle store and was given a free bowl of noodles by a guy. she expressed gratitude for that bowl of noodles and the guy said:
i gave u a free bowl of noodles and u expressed so much gratitude..
you mother feed and clothed you for the past 20 years ever since you were born, did u ever express gratitude for her?
and the little gal felt bad
and i felt bad too...
i too have been complaining pretty much.. abt my mom and her nagging.. perhaps after living in hostel for so long.. i no longer stand pple breathing down my neck..
on my way home yesterday i though abt wat i want to do for my mom.. for the past few years. we really did not do anything much.. me and my bro.. at most we told her.. happy mother's day.. i was thinking. perhaps.. i can..
bake a cake?(hmm), make a card? (hmm) buy a small osim massager with a limited budget?(hmm) buy somehing decorative..(arhh) flowers?(big nono) cook a meal?(inspired by a meal in 30 mins show).. wat do i do?.. wat are u guys going to do? perhaps wats more impt is the xin yi i would say.. if i had the money i want to treat my mom to a good meal.. but guess wat.. all bookings are full already and i ant that rice either.. my mom wouldnt want that also.. xin yi (the sincerity).. its so hard to measure.. so easy to estimate in terms of money.. bcos of all the advertising out there.. its become an shopping occasion out of necessity.. ITS THE MARKETEERS U HAVE TO BLAME.. telling u that its time to give ur mom a treat after all the hard work she had put in.. its time she deserves a XXX or a XX .. WAT CAN U DO FOR UR MOM TODAY?/ GETTING SOMEHING FOR MOTHER'S DAY / TIME TO GIVE SOMTHING IN RETURN TO SOMEONE WHO GIVE HER URS EVERYDAY?/ WAT CAN BRING A SMILE TO HER FACE?/ IS'T IT TIME TIME TO DO SOMETHING IN RETURN?/ TO THE ONE WHO HAVE BEEN THERE FOR U EVER SINCE U CAN REMEMBER. ITS TIME FOR U TO SHOW IT TOO..
gosh wat an amt of slogans i can think of.. and how affected am i by those? very.. haiz..

and ya .. too all who read my blog.. hoped that it has entertained u for a while .. be it during exams or when u are bored.. thanks v much for ur support!! :>.. happy vesak day~