Sunday, May 7, 2006
1:45 PM

timing of the groaning tummy.

posted by crazyyuan
i am happy
cos i am sian!
i have got nothing to do!!
perhaps this was wat i wanted to be link the past few months.. i was so buzy i totally couldnt sleep properly.. nowadays, my mom just lets me laze in bed till 12 noon.. and i would hear my dad ask her.. what time is she going to wake up?.. and my mom would say.. let her sleep.. see how long she can sleep..ha. and soon after ..i will wake up to the timing of the groaning tummy.haha..
so is life indeed gd when u have nothing to do.. that u can literally just sit there and watch the clouds go by?
i have no idea..

met lidia online.. wanted to meet up with her for dinner b4 going to dnd meeting at 730..end up.. hmm have to find someone else.. she recently changed her blog skin.. to a nice cool black.. i want to have a black blog too.. ha.. abit lazy to change mine leh.. me take so much effort to actualyl have the current skin i having now.. made so much modification. despite majority feels that its too orange ..hey.. dun just look at the things according to appearance yeah. blog bu ke mao shall stay orange till i learn somthing new..

want to