Saturday, May 13, 2006
10:46 PM

book except

posted by crazyyuan
this is an except from a book recommended my classmate eddie:

It was only money , after all. And what was money?
Nellie signed, remembering what her father had told her about money when she was a girl.
Those who dont have enough of it are only aware of wat it can buy them, When you finally have enough of it you become aware -- of all the things it cant buy.. the really important things .. like youth, health, love, peace of mind..

- F.Paul Wilson , the Tomb

it has to be so coincident. his gd friend's trainee is his trainee as well.. wonder wat his gd friend will think..

actually today was pretty ok.. got some weird looks from pple.. i tried not to be bother.. cant u tell?.. i treat u all the same.. can i just be nice to pple and lets just stop at that..u dun have to be nice back.. really u dun have to.. its irritating .. like back to when i am in yr one.. i made the mistake of being nice to u.. wtf.. i do not hope to hurt anyone.. perhaps its just wrong to be nice.. i just dun learn my lesson.. or just perhaps .. i just cant understand how can u get into trouble for being nice.. haiz..