Sunday, May 21, 2006
10:37 AM


posted by crazyyuan
wat are friends..
i find it weird that i start asking myself these kind of this qns once in a while
perhaps recently i have learnt not to take things for granted..not just to accept things the way they are..and pple are not always obliged to do the things they do.
Just tat day.. i was amused that a banana split contains only one banana that was split into two. seriously. i really dint i was quite amused.
Then recently, i was rather amused by jasmine's post on 21 bdaes.. or was it just bdaes.. it reflected a few of my thoughts and reminded me how i felt abt jasmine.. that she was always able to put ideas/comments into words i cant.. pple are all different.

Saw an advertisment on the road on my way home day. It shows a thumb print and a line' u are different' or someting like that.. i was like,,. indeed.. thats so true.. perhaps that we are all so preoccupied with stuff in our minds that we for get basic stuff.. however.. does anyone expect one to remember these stuff all the time?.. then i remembered... theres somehing such as somthing that u believe in and follow in ur way of life..

attended jovin's party.. it was ntuc downtown east. it was suppose to be a surprise.. and i think she was nicely surprised. it was pretty nice of her bf to go thru the trouble.. although i dun think he went thru much.. saw pretty much work assigning to diff pple.. dunnoe ..but thats wat i saw.. which is and then i left early. its was just one of those heck-care-dun feel-like-staying feeling. perhaps by oily habit of cooking at bbqs got me abt bored.. shuhan left quite early too.. she just stood there quietly the whole night.. and i was just .. bored.. lol dun worry jov.. its was a great party~ had some fun.. have a great 21 st birthday gal~.

perhaps the next bbq i attend.. i will jsut keep my hands to myself. and just stuff myself with the food. ya perhaps then i wun feel so wat a pun..well then again..

oh .. to actually end on a happy note..
anyone wants to go watch Over The Hedge with me?
and then.. any one wants to go sun tanning recently?...