Monday, May 22, 2006
9:54 PM

lets think happy thoughts

posted by crazyyuan
$$ makes the world go round

when u have money - wat is most likely the next thing on your mind.
1) make more money? < work more)
2) how to spend it?
3) how to save it? < increase the Saving - decrease interest rates>
4) how to invest it? < increase I in the eqns: NI=C+I+G+(X-M)>


then somehing else stupid came to my mind..
everyone noes the movie " wat women wants" right.. by mel gibson i think..
it talks abt all the different one million things that women want..that make it so hard to understand love them.. then wat abt men?

why is there no movie 'wat men want?' the answer is pretty obvious.. they only want one thing why make a movie abt it when theres so many already? no