Tuesday, May 30, 2006
9:25 PM

x-men 3

posted by crazyyuan
going to talk abt x-men 3 .. SPOILERS HERE.. from the poster..everyone knows jean grey is back
yup its abt jean.. actually i did not mean to talk abt her.. but i have no idea why she came into the picture regarding some thing i want to talk abt later..
jean.. level 5 mutant. possible the most powerful one. as gentle she can be and love and protect the pple around her.. there was a dark side of it keep under control by prof X. when it came lose.. it was all too powerful for anyone. at some pt, the tame side of her wanted to kill herself, knowing how her powers had gone out of control. whether she shares the memory with the evil mind, she looks in pain. my pt here is not that u should suppress the evil side of urself, or even controlling ur own powers, even though we all have the power to influence, but then when u have s spilt personaity and u see how destrucive u can be.. and when the evil side is soo horrible.. wouldnt u want to kill urself? thinking here.. i would. cos the more u understand abt urself, the more scarey u noe wat ur powers can do to pple around u .. thats my pt..

oh ya.. roomie, hope ur wrist is better.. done strain it more yea.. i dun think u have v strong joints..

on the side note.. saw somehting v v v v nice today.. v nice.. stood at the store for like .. 20 min? look and look and look.. cant decide..
go draw money? choose design? choose size?.. pick one decide later?.. buy next time.. i want. but so hard to choose.. if only i can ... haiz.. but i just cant.. haiz.. waiting for pay day.. where are u !!