Saturday, June 3, 2006
9:14 PM

had a bad day..

posted by crazyyuan
It wasnt the best of days..
it was worst than friday. i did something v bad, just becos i was in a bad mood. not the worst... the kind of times like the silence b4 the storm... in the morning i had met some v mean receptionist who replied No to every qns.. i was fuming mad but kept it slightly under control.. and when i made a call to simei nail palace and was answered by a receptionist who couldnt answer my queries properly.. i hanged up on her in the middle of the conversation without saying a thing.. my colleague was shocked.. i wasnt being myself. but at that pt of time i just wanted to do somthing evil to someone to vent some anger.. and the poor thing had to be the lucky gal at nail palace simei... thinking back.. perhaps the devil inside me must have jumped out and took control as my anger got the better of me.. i can imagine how mean collegue though i would be...cos it was really a bad thing to do...

then today i had to go sch to discuss fyp with sarah and nha.. perhaps we all come from diff place, think differently and haven really worked with each other.. sparks flew quite a bit.. not the friendly kind...i think the three of us dun mean for it to be that way..but... haiz.. perhaps honesty aint the best policy.. i got nothing to hide.. perhaps i am not so hardworking or smart at projects.. and perhaps more a slacker too.. lucky nha aint like me.. but she rubbed a bit of humour off me nowadays.. sarah.. hmm think we got to understand each other a neeny bit more.. getting stressed aint the solution but i got a feeling that it will all work out in the

haiz.. then today.. thats the bad day.. can u imagine.. i took bus 67 from cck interchange to tampines interchange.. the ride prob took me 2 hr long.. think of many things on the bus.. was really stressed today at session.. nearly resulted in a fever midway.. was feeling v v v bad.. for the things i have done.. for the stuff i could have avoided.. the misunderstanding caused.. i just want to be a simple person.. perhaps that the hardest thing for me to be.. i really think too much. bothered by too many things.. at the end of the trip.. when i came to around tamp area, some guy turned the aircon on top of me and pointed it at my head.. for a moment i felt weird.. and realised that the explaination i was looking for was all along right in front of me.. instead of asking wat to do?.. how to deal with it.. i should just tell the reason why.. its too hard to tell excuses.. to explain myself.. tell the truth.. and dun be bothered any more.. like u said.. everyone got his flaws.. dun be too bothered by ur own.. thinking of tat.. i feel a slight better.. still not so gd.. cos i was really mean to u .. so .. sorry, hope u accept my apology.