Sunday, June 25, 2006
2:37 PM

i saw two rainbows yesterday.

posted by crazyyuan
well well..
wat happened to me the last few wks?
my bro came back from china.. so that explains whyi dun really have the comp no more..
how abt this entry? he 's going back reservist.ooohoo!
and then first july.. we getting faster broadband!.. mirc here i come..hee
then wireless around the house!!,muahaha..
then there's foc to look forward to.. be it SA or GL. i am sure it will still be fun..
haiz.. counting down to two weeks in premiere global and tons of bdae coming up.. not to mention mine...lolx..sian.. still wondering wats doing to happen.. thinking somewhere along the line of locking myself in the room and cleaning it up..ha.. nahhh

then theres the gals outing.. jia late man.. rosie. i dun noe which match is exciting.. perhps i can try the last two?.. date.. 2006-07-09.. still far.. we decide again when we meet up for shuhui's bdae yeah..ha.. slacker.. to think i want to work in an events company next time.. i think i will suck at it.. i am only proud of the xmas exchange event last yes.. i am not a planner .. imprompt me and i will do better..

so well that all so far.. bdaes and football and work.. hall roomie.. freedom. no money. looking for some quick bucks.. anything thats decent and pay mroe than $4.50 is fine.. got lobang pls recommend..ha.