Saturday, July 8, 2006
1:24 PM

one like autumn one like summer

posted by crazyyuan
There are always times when i want to rejoice to the world that i have such wonderful friends.. yes there are such times.. not always.. ( not that i dun feel grateful everytime if i do so v frequently.. then i think u should bring me to the doc ya)
if i am always doing it.. wouldnt everyone be irritated?.. ya.. so once in a while..i want to let u guys know.. i love ya.. how to express? when i tell rosie i miss her so much( a bit extreme..) she rolls her eyes and says.. 'ya.. ok'....( hahah thats wat i would do too anyway) but heres a song i really like now..

- if cant view lyrics - go -View->encodings->unicode

一个像夏天一个像秋天 one like autumn, one like summer

for the benefit of my great malay friends yani and rosie:)

第一次见面看你不太顺眼 - the first time i see u, we dun see eye to eye
谁知道后来关系那么密切 - who knows we became so close later
我们一个像夏天一个像秋天 - we are like two seasons. one autumn, one spring
却总能把冬天变成了春天 - but we never fail to turn winter to spring!

你拖我离开一场爱的风雪 - u rescued me from a love storm
我背你逃出一次梦的锻炼 - i carried out of a broken dream
遇见一个人然后生命全改变 - to meet a person and have a changed life
原来不是恋爱才有的情节 - that does not happen in just love stories

如果不是你我不会相信 - if it was not for u i would not have believe
朋友比情人还死心塌地 - that friends can be more steadfast than lovers
就算我忙恋爱把你冷冻结冰 - even if i left u alone when i was in love
你也不会恨我只是骂我几句 - you wont hate me, only to scold me for a while

如果不是你我不会确定 - if not for u. i would not have been sure
朋友比情人更懂得倾听 - that friend listen more than lovers
我的胸怀志意我的有口无心 - that u understand my ambitions and my blunt words
我离不开darling更离不开你 - i wont leave u, darling

你了解我所有得意的东西 - you understood everyhing about me
拆穿我留些意怕我忘形- but u never exposed me in case i become yaya (lol)
你知道我所有丢脸的事情 - u know everything shameful abt me
却为我的美好形像保密 - but u kept quiet to help maintain my image

如果不是你我不会确定 - if not for u. i would not have been sure
朋友比情人更懂得倾听 - that friend listen more than lovers
我的胸怀志意我的有口无心 - that u understand my ambitions and my blunt words
我离不开darling更离不开你 - i wont leave u, darling

(paiseh for the bad translation- but this is wat it means to me~ )