Monday, July 17, 2006
10:59 PM

bleah bored again..

posted by crazyyuan
things are happening damn too fast..
or am i just a v short sighted person
- yesterday i was just a freshie, having fun night after night
- then i was a gl with a small little troop of freshies
- now there is only two sems left.
- will the next blog i start go like:..finally my exams are over.. not really looking forward to

i hope not
grateful for all the wonderful memories.. every sec every min of it.. dun understand every lesson that i have learn in life. but i know that eventually, one day i will.. blogging will at least keep me on track that time is passing whether u want it or not. the best respect for time is to remember it well and appreaciate wat it have brought for u .. lessons in life, family and friends.. and most of u .. make things irreversable.