Sunday, July 9, 2006
11:29 PM

posted by crazyyuan
chalet rates...
safra chalet rates per night - safra member:
off peak ( mon to thu exclude sch holi)$72
peak (fri to sun sch holi )$89
min 2 nights

Costa sands sentosa.
aircon hut - 3 beds : 2 nights.

Its been a fruitful weekend.
i went to shuhui's bdaeon friday night, kiteflying on sat evening and went to 4k bbq tonight(sunday)

kiteflying - at marina bay.. near the seafood resturants. v v v cool.. and cheap too. the kite flew so high. and its was those kind v cheap but good.. hope to go there again sometimes... too bad i wasnt v close to the other gls from the other blocks. perhaps i was a bit unfriendly.
after the incident on thurs. i sort of decided to keep more quiet. perhaps the less i talk, the less i would offend pple. perhaps htat will basically i kept quite quiet at the last two .. think in the end i look abit anti social..

4k bbq. they even invited the teachers!! i was soooo surprised to see them.. mrs tan, miss chan and wang yong xin.. they look like they were still teaching us yesterday, still reminding us that o levels was just a 40 days away and we had to start rememebering the words and formulas or wat haha.. the outing was good. the guys were really gentlemen.. lol cos long time nvr go bbq see guys cook the food le.. aybe i should learn to be late when go bbq.. i should change..
be less blunt, be less demanding, be less assuming, be more forgiving, be more happy, think aloud less..

hope everyone had a good weekend as well

looking forward to the end of PA!!:)


perhaps i AM as mean as i though
a very scary though. perhaps i should chain myself up
perhaps i am just that
perhaps its true.
its just me
am mean.