Monday, July 17, 2006
3:09 PM

home sweet home :)

posted by crazyyuan
monday afternoon. nothing to do.. or in other words, i dun want to do anything
here on my bed, feeling v v blessed that i have a break and that i have a laptop to use..

recently after i took over my bro's laptop, i realised something .. i used to have to share the comp with him.. if he wants to use it.. i have to end up watching tv with either my mom or dad like some good little now a days.. after dinner, my bro will go back to his pc, i will be in my room watching anime on the laptop and my mom and dad will be in different rooms watching different shows on different tv. talk abt technology bring pple together.. it helps u live more independent lives i suppose.. guess everything have its pros and cons...

well the 3302 newsletter secret is out of the bag, after abt a week of brain storming and planning with rosie, columist of each secion was drafted out and the only thing left to do is prob discuss more and see how the creative juices will
prob if any of u would really like a specific way ur column or of the template of the page to look like, feel free to pass me the site or even the image/teared out page of the article. pictures will also be greeatly welcomed in ur little sections. AND! Do think of witty or funky names for ur articles or column :>
getting a bit tired.. bleah.. prob too tired over everything *yawn*