Sunday, July 16, 2006
10:13 PM

back from camp

posted by crazyyuan
some pple say
if u cant love urself, how do u expect pple to love u?
if u cant accept urself, how do u expect pple to accept u?

this prob goes for everything
once in a while, i am unwilling to accept certain trends.. and i sort or submit to fate and say.. prob this jus aint for me.. and prob disappear into the crowd, as the result, i miss out on tons of stuff..

during seniors camp.. i back out of many things i wanted to either with a huge excuse .. let the freshie play.. or its more fun to let the others guess i am still quite cowardly in some aspect... must learn to stand up to myself.. love myself more.. so pple can love me!

it was a good seniors camp.. looking forward to the real one!!