Sunday, December 31, 2006
7:51 PM

computer destructor

posted by crazyyuan
AT LAST... have u ever met such a computer jinx??
came back home from hall last night... used my bro's comp for like.. 10 mins?.. the next morning.. i woke up to my bro telling me he had taken apart the computer cos something went wrong with it. i was like.. ok.. i dun it was me... who knew.. in the noon i started using MY own PC.... and abt 3 hrs after i used it for surfing the net.. it started to black out and hanging on me!!!

i left the comp hoping it will just heal on its own.. to wat i know.. i just continued restarting and restarting on its own!!! and then my bro had to fix it .. hmm for abt 6 hrs? taking the stuff apart and reformating n reinstalling the stuff in it... while i tried to hide in a corner and try to make any more mess.. pple who know me well understand i am pretty deastructive. the cause is not my curiousity.. probably more of my hazardous decisions.. to watever results they may follow.. i just try them but.. but i really dun know wat i did this time.. ther was a time when i walked near a PC at home ... and within 1m.. the screen blacked out!!!! freaky.. msut be some kind of static.. ok.. its just me.. well i hope that when i press publish for this post.. nothing happens. fingers and toes crossed~ xxxxX Xxxx