Sunday, November 26, 2006
4:26 PM

happy feet

posted by crazyyuan

went to watch HAPPY FEET with my dear last night!
a really nice movie. got many funny bit.. but troubled by the impending socialogy exams.. i saw a rather number of themes in the movie. There was the social outcast who could not be accepted by the society simply he was slightly differnt.Judged by the perceptions of others who simply believed that they were the only ones who was right.. the outcast could not belong to that society. the saddest part will be when even when ur loved ones dont accept u for who u are and ask u to be 'normal' to turn away ur talent or love for the most unnatural stuff.. but the sweetest thing was that the outcast never gave up and kept on going.. perhaps thats the hollywood spirit in every movie. not everyone is understood by everyone .eventually, the most unnoticed one will save the day.. a little like chicken little .. or even finding nemo.. ha..

well at the later end of the movie... the whole society is faced with the dilemma to change for the newer trend or start true to the old sayings and culture. individual vs the organisation. the way the society judge pple. how they evaluate people slowly became a way how we evaluate each other.

for example. the sg society judge us by our occupation, education level,where we work. social organisations.. hmm lets just enjoy the movie. enjoy the amigos pple!!