Tuesday, November 21, 2006
6:10 PM

which gal in the world doesnt like pretty stuff??

posted by crazyyuan

just that we all have different definations for the word 'pretty' .. to impose one's views on other and keep commenting .. 'thats so.(add any negative word here).. this is so. (add any negative word here)'.. its not anyone in particular.. i use it once in a while too.. and guilty of it...lol... lets just say... need some time getting used to.. perhaps unlike my younger days when i will just pick up a fight with so-and-so and just attempt to explain the politically correct stand. now a days i find it easier to keep quiet.. lol..

exams..!! a time when u feel sian. that the day is coming and ur future depends on a 3 hr paper.. and u feel excited abt the break afterwards. but whileslacking.. i found a fantastic site!!
something for gals like jasmine, shuhui, mel.. (hmm i realise i dun know a lot of gals who wear dresses and skirts!lol..) anyway i like them too.. so wanna share them with u..lol . some are real girly.. most look real nice.. and quite cheap too..lol take a look! if anyone want to buy tell me k.. ha. me considerin...

which gal in the world doesnt like pretty stuff??