Thursday, October 19, 2006
11:25 AM

hazy gone. and the sun is out once again..

posted by crazyyuan
woke up at around 845 today. or that was wat the alarm clock told me.. i din want to go to lesson.. got so many reports and projects to do.. din want to leave hall. just wanted to buck up and get things done.. and of course listen to my current fav song. nuan nuan by liang jin ru.. must say thats my fav song in her album .. although i have only heard a few so far..

so i was still nuahing in my bed.. letting the time pass by my body. hoping htat the tutor would still have not notice my absence.. which is already v read my phone sms and realised that my dear had a late night.. doing his report. decided to pop by to give him a hug.. and that i did immediately after i washed up :).

had a v good run last night.. sometimes i feel u can tell a lot abt a person by them running beside u. some pple dun mind waiting at the side for u to finish. some pple prefer to run alone. some pple prefer to sprint all the way. some pple just enjoy each other presence despite the speed.. and there is pple like me .. trying to push myself to go faster. hoping that it would be a more comfortable speed for anyone else. but at the same time, also thinking of dun want to be left behind in the run..
but as we ran together last night. it felt good. step in step in the same direction.. i dun feel so worried. once in a while we were tryin to match each other's pace. which became a bit stressful and i went all wrong.. lol most prob the best thing is to let loose and be just relaxed with wat u are doing and put trust in the track, the feet and the mind.. with that. we ran at the same pace effortlessly.. hope this will be a long run together~ day5