Sunday, April 22, 2007
6:51 PM

to my other marketing classmates

posted by crazyyuan
started my job search a few months ago.. but it was long enough to let me identify a few companies that look to be true. personally i have applied (unknowingly) to the company and was even called for an interview. But my curiousity led me to researchin on the company. but nothing came up. Now any reputable company would have its details up right? thats wat yellow pages is for i would think.. but one that have really caught my eye and aroused much interest is the following company that does direct marketing. Sounds like a good job for any marketing grad.. Management trainee some more.. $1800 - $2500 bucks.. how better can it get? read on:

"The Cobra Group PLC is a self-professed UK-based MNC, but the truth is far below. Cobra Group reportedly started in Manly, Australia. Apparently, they have grown so fast that they now have offices in over 20 countries and are rapidly expanding (statistics proved otherwise in Australia alone!). In truth, they are just a hybrid organisation offering services under the brand name “Human Commercials”. Human Commercials is just another Cobra Group marketing ploy that simply means “direct marketing”. Cobra Group also shares striking resemblance to organisations such as DS-MAX, AMWAY, and many other MLM driven companies, both in their organisation structure, and sales tactics."

"A common interviewing formula used by the independent sales offices consists of:

1. A very short first round interview conducted in the office of the manager. Typically in this interview the manager will briefly outline the structure of the business to the potential new distributor. A typical DS-Max manager will interview anywhere from 10 to 30 people a day so this first interview is usually short on detail and any prolonged question and answer sessions are avoided if possible.

2. A full day "second interview" in the sales field where the potential distributor shadows a current distributor while they attempt to sell their products or services door-to-door. This full day interview is an attempt to show the potential distributor how a typical day in the field works. This full day interview, like the first interview is purposefully vague on details and most questions are not answered fully or more difficult questions get passed on to the manager/owner to handle during the final interview. This is known within DS-MAX circles as the "Day of Observation" or the "Day of O".

3. A "final interview" takes place in the manager's office when the potential distributor returns after a full day in the field. If the applicant has any problems or objections, the manager may attempt to overturn them. If the potential distributor needs some clarification in order to understand the "big picture" of this business opportunity the manager will attempt to explain the business beyond just selling products door-to-door. The goal of every manager is to encourage the interviewee to start full time the very next day."

the following infomation was found on this site:

DS-Max ("Direct Sales to the Maximum"), or more precisely D S Max USA Inc [1] and its affiliates, is a direct sales company that originally specialized in selling discount/overstock/damaged merchandise directly to the public, and later expanded to include sales of discount coupons, telecommunications contracts like AT&T, credit card processing services and other sales packages on behalf of more service based industries.

and i can testify.. its true.. cos i have gone true it was after A levels.. but i never turned up at the final what i know.. very very few did..

so the next time u go to a company that calls for an interview at 9B Mosque pls double check k..


  At 2:02 PM, December 10, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said:

hey, did they ask you to wear formal also? haha i got a interview there tml... my email's ryonan_no7@hotmail.

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