Saturday, March 31, 2007
10:21 PM


posted by crazyyuan
well i din expect i would be saying it soo soon but... I AM STILL JOBLESS.. this fact will officially hit me in less than a month's time... wat the hell am i going to do abt it..

serious stuff aside.. lets talk abt more fun stuff..
as some friends know.. i have taken on playing online computer games recently.. mainly on ntu bnet playing non-dota games such as tower defence mafa, civil war.. and getting scolded for being a noob lol.. its fun to peek into this other world where millions of guys(mainly) spend their waking time on.. the world of battles be it using their SnY on their SK or threads on their hum sniper or the funny turkey bird with its chickens or the lion with its ever powerful finger.. back stabbing each other and comparing creep kills..and the 'first blood!', double kill'.. triple kill!, 'killing spree..','dominatingggggg' after entering the bnet.. ntu battle net.. i start to understand how guys can sit in front of the comp and forsake sleep and drink and food and toilet... wats new? its addictive u would say...yup i agree and there is more to that..there is passion for what they do.. and when u enjoy wat u do.. u dun feel tired or hungry .. just a simple game of mafa can get me playing till 6am in the morning.. lol.. i pretty much dun play other stuff.. so look forward to any mafa games.. and having recently been 'exposed' as the third GIRL on bnet..(which i find v ammusing.. surely there is more gals out there. just that they dun say so..).. the two other gals xiner and wendy are quite well thats interesting right?
well.. look out for PAPERASH~... or just call me ash for