Sunday, March 18, 2007
10:24 PM

posted by crazyyuan

腰酸背痛 敲一敲, 疼痛全没了.
儿女不孝 摇一摇, 儿女听话了.
金钱不够 挥一挥, 财路一定到.

祝您来年, 没烦恼!

The above was wat me and bro wrote in the card for my mom's bdae present. see pic below. quite funni.. my mom was fairly amused.. and my sister-in-law though that we were advertising for the massaging not se say it.. seems quite true..

its been a bz weekend.. had project meet at bras basah mac on sat morning at 11am.. so early.. brough my laptop.. but there was no internet access.. so disappointing sia.. dun do much.. felt guilt cos a fellow grp mate completed more than 1/2 the report of our part. will try to make it up to here.. then there was another meeting at same place again at mac with the rest of the grp.. din do maybe its me.. slack too much.. cant seem to do anything constructive.. haiz.. must jia you~

Next event up coming : SEXY BOMB BOMB PARTY( party for og bombers)
just realised there is segment pricing!! woah.. seniors more exp.. suppose to be a stripes party. stripes.. not strip.. is my spelling getting worse? cos i suddenly cant remember how to spell.. haiz.. nvm look forward to seeing u guys yeah..

and then my bro is going on a GRAD TRIP~~!!!
to taiwan he is planning.. abt $800 for tics, hotel and food!! thats like so cheap right?? NATA is coming to suntec this coming sun 26 march at hall 601-604 ( cos i keep starting at its poster on the mrt train.. effective advertising man natas!)who wants to go overseas? almost everyone i noe is going out!!
i miss the clean waters of phiphi island..