Tuesday, October 2, 2007
4:21 PM

friends and their jobs

posted by crazyyuan
what is marketing... i asked myself this question

understanding trends and creating needs in people, making pple identify with your brand and ur company, letting people know u exist basic.

yesterday was an intesting day, met a few ntu marketing friends in tampines. they were working in citibank doing securities i think, from 3-12 (eurpoean hrs) pay quite gd. adding them together, i sort of know around 5 pple who lives in the west, work in tamp, studies marketing, work in a bank and getting a comfortable pay.
yes i am complaining.. perhaps thats the only thing i do nowadays when i am not being grateful for wat i have. i feel a change coming, a trend that forms will continue, somehow i will end up somewhere else.. yes.. else..

a moment ago was seriously considering social work, then now its some casino course i see on the news paper. seriously i never though i would go back to my books, and i am wondering how slim the chance is that.. then again, should i care much abt the views of others if a just take on some retail job? why is it only banks pay well? cos we put all our money in them?.. i really dun know..

sweetest thing is fz and barney set up a wedding blog... so cute sia.. 14 sep next year, seems pretty rush, then again, too far ahead u tire urself thinking abt it.pple getting married soon got amy and peishi.. wonder got anymore wedding bells ring..lol mel? seems that civil servents are the most stable so far..lol