Wednesday, December 24, 2003
10:34 PM

merry christmas everyone!!

posted by crazyyuan
hello hello everyone…ahh….fingers very pain..cannot type too long…anyway,
Merry Christmas to everyone!!

hows everyone? have been quite busy lately..never update my blog…so..gonna talk crap today..
as I said ..i have been buzi lately..looking for this hamper packing job at noel gifts international..quite a fun job…cos can turn ordinary food items and toys into pretty and beautiful hampers..but the bad thing is the pay is very poor..max $1.5 for a must do until siao to earn enough to eat..but have to make do with it..cannot be money means that I cannot go watch LOTR!! Mona lisa smile…very long time never step into cinema liao..haha..maybe I should try not to watch any the money..dun watch wun die…must psycho myself that

ok…I received Xmas cards from xuemei, sharmain, jovin, peiyu, yingling, meiqiang ..thank you for the greetings…today Christmas eve liao.. and sad to say..or should I say..i am guilty to say that I have not made ur Christmas cards yet…sorry : P... me just run out of ideas and of course the great p- word, procrastination ..haiz..i swear I will try to give u all my hand made card before the new year!

I just think Christmas is weird this year. There is no new school year to look forward new clothes to consider buying..u go down to orchard,..taka..dun even hear and Christmas carols…feels a bit solemn around Christmas spirit…true..everyone is busy.. but there seems something missing..i dun noe wat..but maybe a sense of loneliness which I feel when I walk around one is smiling….everyone is just busy..preparing for Christmas…me haven even seen a turkey yet..maybe I should go ntuc for a walk always make one feels better…
But of course..i am still grateful for wat I have now wat I had and wat I will have…wat rubbish….who noes wat will happen at the stroke of midnight to Christmas…maybe I will wake up and understand wat this is all about …
(just read joan's blog too..haha..maybe i should get a bf getting a bit sian...hehe)
It must be because I have not write on my blog for a long time..have not picked up my pens for like ages…dun even think I am typing English…must type more..for the next 6 months…for my mind will go rusty…

Ok that’s all for my blog today..boring entry right?..haha..if u are reading this..i got a feeling that u are pretty bored too…but I can only say..thanks for visitng a chapter of my life! and may u have a very Merry Christmas and a great Happy New Year!!

PS: santa…all I want for for everyone to be happy..