Wednesday, December 10, 2003
12:03 AM

Zihui’s job finding adventures - My first job interview (a boring entry)

posted by crazyyuan
It would probably be one of the last place I would think of, to look for a job.

Yesterday..i was feeling bored. Me wanted to get out of the house, so had to think of some stupid reason. Not to tell my mom, but to get my butt of the comfy chair and out to get some fresh air. Since I was going out, decided to go ‘play’ around…haha..mean do something I just flipped open the newspaper..circled a few ads and called to enquire about them. All of them requires a walk-in-interview and mostly at some ulu ulu place which I cannot locate on my outdated map a home, nor in the transitelink bus guide….but I found a bunch of companies situated in paya lebar and Aljunied. Me was thinking ‘ aiyah..since so near..just drop by for the interview u gonna get selected for the job straight away..gain more experience from the interviews may prepare me better for the right job that my come along the way..’

So…I set out to paya lebar to the weird orian building..for the ad in the newspaper.. supposedly for some Christmas event..the person which I called refused to give any details ,only the address of the place.. So when I reached there..about 3.30..(briefing is from 2-4) saw a bunch of other pple..leaving for so pai seh..come so started looking for the place…haha…cannot find…the person never give any other information other than the building name!! me tried not to be grumpy..can only blame myself for being stupid..wat else could I do? got pride to keep (hah like real)
I couldn’t make myself tear down my face and ask the bunch of hip-dressing and gold-dyed hair12-13 year-olds where the stupid place I headed for the next destination..some XXX building..which was suppose to be just across the road the mrt station…should be easy to find ..haha..just read on..

The moment I finished tapping my ez link approached the big map at the control station. i could spot the the building on the map..was really was along the road parallel to the mrt track. How easy can it get?. But most pple who know me will know..i have a terrible sense of couldn’t figure which direction to walk..left or right?. The building was either on the left or right side of the mrt station..but me got real confused..lucky me never panic..cos me always say..duuno ask me stepped out of the mrt station to look for any intelligent-looking target…

So just walked less then ten steps from the mrt station..this person approached me with a survey form and asked me to help..ok..since I was not in a hurry, me agreed.. he asked whether I was employed..and I joked that I was not and was on my way to a job interview..that is if I manage to find the building..then he said something like ‘my company is hiring pple..would u like to come down for interview?’ he looked pretty decent..was wearing a t-shirt uniform..he asked whether I have heard of his firm: “chubb”

And I said “no”..quite stupid conversation we had..about wat kind of job I ws looking for and whether I was interested in going to his company for an interview..the firm was about 4 blocks away..seeing that I had no hope in finding the XXX followed him to his company…now thinking of it..i had been a little reckless, maybe too trusting..but I remember asking him all sort of questions..but ended up at the company and even filled in a form regarding my particulars ..and when I wrote under the ‘education background’ Temasek jc..’they raised their brows..and when I wrote that I have nil working experiences…their brows went even higher…. So when I finished..he called his boss who was somewhere to come and conduct the interview..while waiting, me played with the luo han fish they kept in the waiting room. We (me and mr luohan fish) were both every bored..the poor fish was swimming in circles..and circles..

After about hmm..5 mins..the ‘’boss’ called me into his room..woah..very young..abt early 30s or late twenties..and then he started to ask questions regarding the jobs I would like to take up and my mentality towards working in a competitive business like theirs…woah..then he started on their company history ..blaa blaa… only remember it is a in many countries investment of 3 million ..blah..blah…then after a whole lot of crap on aggressive sales and the training that was going to be provided..if one gets through the first application..(which I think is highly unlikely for me)..he asked “ so are u willing to take up the challenge and apply for the job?”..for the particulars had to be sent to some hq first…me hesitiated for abt 10 secs…and agreed.. I can only say now..wah cow man..wat was I thinking? security system? ..yes me got no nil zero confidence in my convincing powers ..but then..why not give it a try?...that wat u get when u r too adventurous I guess. And supposedly..they provide training to help u with that problem…which is good really need that kind of skill to be better at ur career..
And left the company with two person..who accompanied me to their firm. One was that surveyor..the other was his friend..hehe..the super cute guy I told YL abt…so kawaiii!..19 years old..very sunshine…. Hopfully I dun get the job..cos me not sure whether me prepared for the complicated world of sales..and I want to work with my beloved friends!..on the other should be contented with wat I given to u..complain too much…everything will be taken away..