Wednesday, December 3, 2003
12:23 PM

Grad Night

posted by crazyyuan
Ok….i did say that the first thing I am going to do when I reach home is to go to sleep.. before updating the blog tonight. But I decided that I should write it first before I go to sleep, scared that my dreams will make me confused..wat rubbish, but wat ever, I am going to talk about the grad night like wat everyone else is going to.

Firstly I would like to say that it is a very troublesome event, and expensive too..the hair, the make-up, the facial, the dress, the accessories, the bags, the tickets, the shoes, the cameras (obviously I do not like to do myself up)…woah, everything add up together costed a bomb..long time never have to spend so much money and have to worry about how I look on one particular event.

In short>did my hair at jean yip.$38.cousin did makeup for free. Take taxi to RC.take a lot of pictures at the lobby, and shuhui finished 36 shots just about before we started dinner.
Yes the dinner…I have something to say about it.
It is worst than I expected. Pls lor..the MC har…dirty jokes, the use of dialect make me feel as though I am NOT anywhere near a students function, more like some ah pek coffee shop. The food arh,, cold dish ok..the rest sucks. The mango pudding nice lah..but not exactly very delicious lor..i think the marigold mango pudding cum jelly is even nicer.
Like I agreed with rosie, the nice food, they give in mini proportions, the rest(not so nice, where the school canteen, kampong delight can cook nicer stuff) they give so much..big disappointment for me ..
The worst thing is the miss and mr college pageant aiyo..pls lor..u think u want to choose a miss college by the way and her ability to sashay on the stage and blow kisses…and the mr college….i have nothing to say, I had more fun taking bimbotic photos at the reception area with my friend until my face cramp. Really took a lot of photos last night..until my face like sagging this morning. By about 1am, my eyes was blood-shot and my make-up make me look more gothic than anything.
Ok..i should not be complaining, for I did have fun ..cos I saw many many friends and took pictures with them..and plus I was wearing a dress…long long time never wear something like that liao…makes me reconsider whether I should add more dresses or skirts to my wardrobe.

After the grad, which ended (in a flash..haha..or a lot of flashes -_-|| ) at about 2, all of us, chenzhen, yingling, joan, jiadai, shuhui, rosie, jasmine and me went to shuhui’s house to sleep over.hmm..i have to say..i was fun! Although we did not do much, I must say that I really enjoy cozying up with u guys, and talking till the wee hours in the morning. We play “truth or truth”…haha..the other version of truth of dare.. was mostly about the guys we have crushes on.haha..each of us revealed a few..of course me not going to say anything here cos everything we said were not supposed to go out of the door of that room.
Ok ..looking at wat I had just written..i think me still a bit cannot see the hyperness in my words..maybe that’s why this entry is so short…and uncrappy..maybe I just want to keep the happy moments in my mind..or just that my mind is feeling cranky.

I have no idea when we going to see the girls again..maybe pretty soon(ear piercing). I just want to tell all of u :Everyone of u is very special to me. Hope all of u take care!