Wednesday, April 14, 2004
4:32 PM

posted by crazyyuan
soooo... many things have happened these few days.. ok.. not a lot of things.. just that a lot of decisions have to be made...
me tried to put them of by filling my head with cartoons.. trying to make myself believe that everything will put them selves right in the end.. but i was wrong.. haiz...
in the end.. often . i was forced to make decisions.. to choose over following ur heart or being more practical.. of course.. i had the help of my good friends like yingling and my dear brother to give me some advice...
so in the end.. the decision was not to go for the nus interview.. why that decision.. i think its too long to explain.. too tiring as well.. just happy its over.. not really over really.. still need to wait for ntu's side.. see whether they want me.. i dun believe i can be that unlucky.. i dun believe that i cannot get in there... as for the other uni.... hmp... i just hope things will not turn out tooo ugly..

the other thingy that had me in dilemma was about work.. got to this interview with pei yu for the robinson's expo sales.. and then just when we though we would hear no news from it anymore and that we have to start looking for another job.. so that i will not continue t be jobless for more than two weeks.. a lady from p-serv called to ask whether i was interested in an admin job which pays 5,50 per hour... haiz..s if only the robinson pple never called to tell us that we are selected.. i would have gone to that nine to five job.. can work until july leh.. the expo is only about one week plus.. but then.. after much drama.. and confusion.. finally decided.. go the expo one.. since selected.. as for the admin.. forget abt it...... at least i get to work with my good friend before we go uni.. when we will most prob go our seperate ways and be very busy.. especially when we go different uni.. so.. pei yu.. dun feel gulity ok?.. feel very gulity....very very gulity..hehe.. ur face very big leh!.. see u at the robinson's briefing tmw!